How to Develop a Homeschool Ministry in Your Church - Josh Mulvihill - Media # 24416
$ 10.00
Homeschooling is exploding, families are looking for help, and your church can provide it! Learn why education matters in the discipleship of children, how to support homeschool families, and capture a vision to expand your family ministry impact. Join Dr. Josh Mulvihill, veteran homeschool father of five, to learn the practical ways that his church went from 0 to 1500 children in two years by opening their doors to homeschool families.
Speaker: Josh Mulvihill
Josh Mulvihill is the Executive Director of Church and Family Ministry at Renewanation. He served as a pastor for 18 years, has a PhD in Family Ministry, authored six books, and is the Vice-chairmen of Awana. He is married to Jen and they have five children.
Media # 24416