Developing an Intergenerational & Intercultural Family Ministry - Dr. Luz Gálvez de Figueroa - Media # 24118
Our society is structured to separate the generations and the cultures, but the Body of Christ includes people from all generations and all cultures. Biblically we are united, from the youngest to the oldest. Worshipping Him together, serving Him together, doing life together. Gain key insights for what it looks like to model and develop a gospel-centered Intergenerational and Intercultural Family Ministry where the inclusiveness and affirmation are not the only end goal, but the Biblical message is.
Speaker: Dr. Luz Gálvez de Figueroa
Is the founder and director of Entre Niños. a ministry with global reach. Luz has a Doctorate in Theology and Leadership from Bethel Seminary. She has served as a pastor of children's and family ministries, speaker, writer, and academic professor. She is passionate about Christian spiritual formation of the family.
Media # 24118